The Assignment Class

The Assignment class represents an assignment specification as a Python object. It mostly contains metadata about the assignment, and the heavy-lifting of comparing the assignment to an actual directory on the filesystem is delegated to the Directory class. The Assignment class is responsible for assembling the text output that is returned from the validation methods of the Directory class, however.

class Assignment(git_branch_to_mark: str | None = None, git_other_branches: List[str] | None = None, id: int | str | None = None, structure: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, title: str | None = None, year: int | str | None = None)
property academic_year: str

Academic year that the assignment was/is released in.

directory_structure: Directory
classmethod from_json(file: Path | None = None, json_str: str | None = None) Assignment

Creates an Assignment instance by reading a json file, or a json-encoded string.

Reading from a file trumps reading a string.

  • file – Path to a compatible json file.

  • json_str – String encoding a valid json file, which can be loaded with json.loads.


An Assignment instance with the specification found in the file.

property git_allowable_branches: List[str]
property git_branch_to_mark: str
id: str
property name: str

Assignment {number}, {academic year}: {title}

title: str
validate_assignment(submission_dir: Path, tmp_dir: Path, ignore_extra_files: List[str] | None = None) str

Validates that the submission directory provided matches the specifications of this instance.

The validation process creates a copy of the submission directory and the directory tree beneath it, so operations like git checkouts can be conducted without altering the user’s working directory.

The temporary directory is always manually cleaned up by the program, though the OS should handle this if an uncaught error is encountered.

  • submission_dir – Path to the root submission directory.

  • tmp_dir – Temporary directory to use to unpack and validate submission.

  • ignore_extra_files – Suppress warnings about unexpected files that match the patterns given.

year: int